Sven Håkan Olsson

Sven Håkan Olsson is currently working mostly with, a service for corporate boards and committees. Otherwise, he works as an independent consultant interested in combining business benefits with technological edge. Sven-Hakan is co-founder of Knowit where he also was chief technology officer in 1990 – 2003. He has been named one of the “top developers in Sweden” by the magazine Computer Sweden.

Robert Folkesson

Robert Folkesson has been involved in various forms of Internet-related development and distributed systems for over fifteen years and currently works as technicalmanager at Active Solution. Previously, he worked as an architect in the developer platform group at Microsoft Sweden, where he helped clients, and partners to migrate and build new Windows Azure-based services. Robert is a frequent speaker at conferences, like Tech Days, ScanDev and DevSum.

      Christer Berg

      Christer Berg is a Market Analyst and has as a trend watcher monitored the IT industry since 1990. Prior to that he has worked with music production, system development and marketing of IT products. At the Swedish Computer Society Christer is responsible for the professional course programs in IT architecture. He is also the publisher of the news service and a writer on digitalization in industry media.

          Jonas Toftefors

          Jonas Toftefors is a certified Iasa CITA-P  and has extensive experience in enterprise architecture as well as solution architecture. Jonas has experience in many different industries such as retail, medicine technology, logistics, energy. He is also a member of Iasa’s board and led the 2012 working group that published “Recommended IT-architect roles in Sweden.” Jonas works as an Enterprise Architect in Borås.

            Eva Kammerfors

            Eva Kammerfors is a business and enterprise architect. She specializes in architecture management and governance, as well as program and change management. Eva is currently Senior Manager Cordial Business Advisers, where she acts as a mentor and advisor to companies and organizations in using architecture as a tool for transformation. Eva is a very active networker in IASA and Business Architect Network and educates at the Computer Society, Cordial and at the KTH School of Management.